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Use this if you want to merge styleSheet.


mergeProps is useful, when making certain styles flexible with props.

1. Type definition

declare const createTools: <StyleType extends NestedObject>() => {
    mergeProps: (baseStyle: StyleType, styleProps: StyleType) => string

2. Spec


tw.mergeProps(baseStyle, styleProps)

Parameter: baseStyle

  • type: Tailwindest
  • usage: default style for merge targets

Parameter: styleProps

  • type: Tailwindest
  • usage: if the key of styleProps is equal to the key of baseStyle, the value of styleProps is overwritten


Applying fontSize after receiving size prop from Text.

Define a Text component that can have variable font size.

import { tw } from "~/tw"
const text ={
    color: "text-black",
    fontSize: "text-base",
    fontWeight: "font-medium",
interface TextProps {
    children: React.ReactNode
    // type Tailwindest is typeset of tailwindcss classnames
    size: Tailwindest["fontSize"]
const Text = ({ children, size = "text-base" }: TextProps) => (
        className={tw.mergeProps(, {
            fontSize: size,

Text can now adjust the font size via size props.

import { Text } from "./text"
const SomeComponent = () => (
        <Text size="text-9xl">Wow Heading 1</Text>
        <Text size="text-7xl">Wow Heading 2</Text>
        <Text>Wow Text</Text>